Monday, May 28, 2007

Charles Nelson Reilly is Dead

Rest in peace, Charles Nelson Reilly. You were a staple of 70s game show TV like the Match Games and Hollywood Squares. You were the voice of HooDoo on Lidsville. You were in the Cannoball Run II. And you talked really funny. Flame on, Charles Nelson.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tom Poston is Dead

Classic TV sitcom lovable, dim-witted neighbor/sidekick Tom Poston is no longer with us. Best known for his roles as George Utley on Newhart and Mr. Bickley on Mork & Mindy, he graced the small screen on everything from Family Matters to Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, and was even known to some of us as the voice of the Capital City Goofball on The Simpsons. What's best, his first wife was named "Jean Sullivan," so there you go.