Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Captain America is Dead

They say it was a sniper, but can we blame Dick Cheney for this one? I say yes. Should a fictional super hero be added to the wall of death? And what happens if he gets revived in a couple years (not even Don Knotts can pull that one off). We're treading on some new ground here. That's why we vote. "Cap" would have wanted it this way. Voting is uniquely American (well, I guess there are some other Democracies, like maybe Canada, but they don't really count so much).


Anonymous said...

my condolences

Anonymous said...

I hope the Captain can rest in peace after serving our country for 66 years,,(why he never got promoted ,, I dont know ... also I hope he doesnt get into the anna nicole baby sweepstakes like OJ,,(thats true)

Anonymous said...

I think the bullet thing was a cover up. I think he did himself in and it was suicide. He felt he couldn’t compete with the next generation of Superheroes – namely one …newborn baby Witham. Coincidence he died yesterday….I think not!

Anonymous said...

My condolences to all…I heard he died late last night. I didn’t know he could be done in by a bullet. And I think Bruce is right – it seem like an injustice that he’s been fighting evil for decades and never even made Major.

Anonymous said...

and speaking of sad, what do you people think about the OJ claim (that he is the father of anna nicoles baby,having had a relationship with her in the early 90s) he said he has slow sperm
- quote the inside track of todays herald... that just takes away from mourning a true hero

Anonymous said...

there is nothing like slow sperm to ruin your day.

Anonymous said...

I was going to add a comment, but I think Erin said everything that really needs to be said.